I’m Jaclyn
(Jax for short).
I’m a curious, analytical data journalist who’s never met a technical problem she couldn’t solve (eventually).
Right now, I’m an investigative data reporter at WNYC and Gothamist, where I report data-driven news, enterprise and investigative stories for radio and web. Before that, I worked at Spectrum, an autism news outlet; freelanced for NBC News, the Daily Beast, STAT and more; and volunteered with the COVID Tracking Project, where I helped clean data and find reliable sources in state health departments. And before that, I did my master’s at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, where I studied data and health/science reporting.
For more about me, check out my résumé. And if you’d like to get in touch, you can find me here:
email | j.jeffreywilensky@gmail.com
twitter | @jeffwilen